
12 October, 2011

The Most Important Advantages of Virtualization Over Dual-boots

Have you heard about Virtualization and dual boot concepts? Some people confuse about what exactly is a dual boot? To be clear Booting is the process which loads operating system into the main memory (i.e. RAM). And Dual-boot or Multi-booting is installing multiple operating systems on a computer, and choosing which one to boot when starting the computer. If you have ever seen a screen like below while starting a computer, it means that the computer has multiple OS installed on it and it is asking the user to select one of the operating system to boot. But you have to know about the future technology of Virtualization and dual boot concepts.

What are Virtualization and dual boot concepts ?
Virtualization is the creation of a virtual operating system, a server, a storage device (hard disk) or network resources. A software commonly called Virtual Machine can be used to create such virtualization. We shall discus more about virtualization and dual boot in the article below.

Virtual Machine vs Dual-boots.

We often get into situation when we have to use multiple operating systems. For example if you are a computer student who like to use windows & you get a project work or assignment to do on Unix/Linux or just you are tired of using windows and want to enter into the open source world. Most of the people use dual boots probably as they don’t know about Virtualization. Instead of using dual boots you can install OS like Linux in Windows using Virtual Machine.
Installing an operating system on a virtual machine inside of other operating system has a lot advantages over a dual-boot:
  1. You can switch between your host OS(your main OS) and the guest OS without rebooting the computer.
  2. You don’t need different hard disk or partitions for different operating system.
  3. The size of the installation doesn’t have to be predetermined. It can be a dynamically re-sized virtual hard drive.
  4. Uninstalling the guest OS becomes so easy and a matter of few seconds.
  5. You can save the Virtual Machine state and if your guest OS gets corrupted, you can get back to that state without re-installing the OS.
  6. You can even share files between Guest OS and Host OS using a shared folder.
    7. The virtual machine will set up its own video configuration, so you don’t have to worry about installing proprietary graphics drivers to get a reasonable screen resolution.
    8. You can install suspicious software in Virtual Machine and check it’s behavior and then install it in your main OS.

Virtualization also has some disadvantages or limitations:

  1. Virtual Machine runs little slowly than your host OS. This is because host OS has direct access to the physical hardware.
  2. In order to get any kind of good performance, you need at least 1 GB of RAM.
  3. If you are a gamer, virtualization may be disappointing for you.
  4. Every time you want to use Guest OS, you have to wait for two boot times (the time it takes to boot Host OS, and then the time it takes to boot Guest OS within Host OS).
I think by now you got some idea on Virtualization and dual boot concepts. And it is clearly seen that advantages of virtualization overrides it’s disadvantages. So I would recommend virtualization instead of dual boots unless the multiple operating systems you are going to use are equally important for you. If you are going to use an OS once in a while, it makes lot of sense to use that OS as a guest OS inside your main(host) OS. If you want a free Linux Ubuntu CD To Your Home, we can send you one. Just leave your address. Please let me know if you any queries on this above article on Virtualization and dual boot............

27 September, 2011

Download Microsoft Windows 8

t is always fun to have the latest OS in PC. The joy of showing off new windows 8 in your computer to your friends when they are still using Windows 7, is tremendous. The developer preview version of the Windows 8 is now available for download. You can install Windows 8 on x86-based 32-bit or a 64-bit computer. Windows 8 activation is not required, but it’s not the finalized version of the Windows 8 OS, so expect bugs. Download Microsoft Windows 8 for free.

Download Windows 8

Download Windows 8 Beta
This page will take you to the Windows Developer Preview downloads which is pre-beta version of Windows 8 for developers. Windows 8 downloads include prerelease software that may change without notice. Microsoft says that Windows 8 beta developer build is provided as is, and you bear the risk of using it. It may not be stable, operate correctly or work the way the final version of the software will. It should not be used in a production environment. The features and functionality in the prerelease software may not appear in the final version.
To learn more about new features of Windows 8 for developers, consumers and businesses download these guides.
Download Windows Developer Preview Guide: Download PDF, Download XPS

09 September, 2011

5 Great Javascript Tricks

First of all question arises what is Javascript? According to wikipedia :
JavaScript, also known as ECMAScript is a prototype-based object-oriented scripting language that is dynamic, weakly typed and has first-class functions. It is also considered a functional programming language like Scheme and OCaml because it has closures and supports higher-order functions. JavaScript is an implementation of the ECMAScript language standard and is primarily used in the form of client-side JavaScript, implemented as part of a web browser in order to provide enhanced user interfaces and dynamic websites. This enables programmatic access to computational objects within a host environment.

1. Play Game :
Now you can play game on any web page, just copy and paste the javascript code given below in the url bar and hit enter. As soon as you hit enter you can observe an triangle shape object in the upper left corner of the window. Navigate it with the help of W, A and D keys and fire using Spacebar.

2. Edit Web Page :
You easily edit any web page using this javascript. But when you refresh the page changes are lost.
javascript: document.body.contentEditable = 'true'; 
document.designMode = 'on'; void 0 

3. Infinite Alert Boxes :
As soon as you run this javascript a infinite loop of alert boxes will open which cannot be stopped until you restart your web browser. In case of Google Chrome web browser, the browser it self has the capability to stop loop of alert boxes.
javascript:while(1){alert('Restart your brower to close this box!')}

4. Calculator :
You can also use javascript for calculation purposes. Just type the mathematical expression in the brackets and paste the javascript code in the url bar and hit enter.
javascript: alert(4+5+6+7+(3*10));

Thanx..........and Enjoy............

How to Set Auto Reply Status on Google talk or Gtalk

Many Times it happens that you are busy with some work or is not sitting in front of your computer but your google talk or gtalk is open. Gtalk autoreply is a small tool which is quite useful in such scenario. It can be used to set auto reply on your gtalk or google talk. When you set auto reply using Gtalk Autoreply and anyone pings you the tool will send him the auto reply message. It does not voluntarily send this message to every friend but just replies to those who ping you.

 You just need to download the software and install it. Then run the utility from the desktop icon and then enter your gtalk account username and password and fill the message you want to be send to your friends when they ping you. Now click save and enable autoreply and it will get enabled.

Now after activating it, if any of your friend ping you he will receive the auto reply message. In order to close the auto reply feature you simple need to close the application. You can download the Gtalk Autoreply tool from Link1. You can also download its source code from here.

  Thanx..................................for giving your time and patience for reading this post..

How to Deal with Laptop Over Heating

A laptop is an extensive investment that requires a great care from your side so that it keeps on running for years. Many laptops (almost 90%) face the problem of overheating. This overheating can cause the laptop to show abnormal behaviour thereby causing the internal machinery to fail. Today we will be discussing the techniques and methods that are available today so that your laptop runs smoothly for many years to come.

1. Compressed Air: While working with laptop in dusty condition then there are chances that the dust gets deposited on the circulating and cooling vents thereby choking them altogether. This can cause the fan to get over worked as the head will not be dissipated as efficiently. Thus the fan will work at dangerously high temperatures. So in order to avoid this situation buy a can of compressed air from a nearby computer store and it will cost you only some dollars. Take this can and spray it on the vents of your laptop. This will remove all the dust and keep your laptop cool.
2. Power Settings: When we work on the laptop that is on the charging then we set the mode as “High Performance”. This setting will consume the most power and will cause your laptop to overheat. A simple remedy to this problem is to set the laptop in the balanced or power saver mode. This will ensure that your laptop consumes only that amount of power that is required by it. Thus a large amount of heat is saved from generating by avoiding the large speeds of the processor. When the laptop is used for playing games then you should set the mode of your laptop to “High Performance”.
3. Surface: While we are working the laptop then it can be quite comfortable when we place it on the pillow or blanket. But the fact is these surfaces choke the vents of your laptop thereby causing it to overheat. The soft nature of the surface will not allow the heat to escape and thus will be reflected back into the internal machinery. The best surface on which you should keep your laptop is the flat one such as a table. If you want to keep it on some soft surface then you should keep it on some hard cover book or similar surface. This will allow proper flow of air and heat to escape out of the system properly.
4. Powering Off Your Laptop: When you see that you might not be working on your laptop then you must switch it off rather than keeping it on the standby. We would not suggest you “hibernate” option as it will take a toll on your RAM. Powering off your laptop will keep it cool and doesn’t eat away the battery. It is as simple as that.
5. Cooling Pad: You can invest some money on your laptop then you can consider using a cooling pad for your laptop. For about $25 you can get a cooling pad for your laptop and believe me it is every worth of the penny you spend on it.

Thnx...........for reading this post........for any queries comment!!

7 ways to increase Torrent Speed

The use of Bit Torrent is an efficient way to transfer files of just about any size quickly and efficiently. How this works is by breaking the huge files into smaller pieces and is from one or many of the different sources. This is one of the best ways to transfer bulky files quickly even when you are using a low bandwidth connection. There are many more things that you can do with Bit Torrent, but here we are going to discuss how to make this work much faster.

Here are some essential tips for the same,
  1. Start with your ISP:
All ISP has a preset maximum upload and download speed, and you cannot make your torrent work beyond this speed. All you can do is to use the best use of this upload and download speed even when the signal is weak. You can check the maximum speed that you can achieve by conducting a broadband speed test and compare with the DSLReports that comes with your uTorrent.
  1. Opt-In for healthy seeds and peers:
A peer is any computer participating           in downloading and uploading of torrent files along with that of yours. A seeder is one who has a complete copy of the file that is being shared across a torrent network. A leecher is the person who has joined the network recently and do not have most of the file that you or the peer has. This leecher becomes the seeder when they download the entire file and is able to share it across the network.  For getting high torrent speed, you need to increase the number of seeders to increase the chance of healthier and reception of higher speeds.
  1. Get through the firewall:
Many times, you will find the administrator or the firewall in your web browser is set to block and receive torrent files. The first thing that you need to do is to get appropriate permissions for downloading torrent files, and add this to your firewall, which will enhance the speed at which you can download torrent files. If the internet is through a router, then you have to set the torrent file to cross the barrier of the security of the router also.
  1. Go to a different port:
The default port for BitTorrent protocol is always between the numbers 6881-6999. This is because BitTorrent sharing will involve high bandwidth usage. However, this is possible that you can configure a different port for your torrent client and this has been best advised to set this number to somewhere around 10000.
  1. Limit your upload rate:
A peer to peer network is sharing alike on the same or similar platform and therefore you should be able to set your client’s upload speed rate to a maximum amount, which will usually be about 80 percent of your maximum upload speed that is being offered by your ISP. Keep this speed, as high as possible, but you have to play your cards well as the upload speed affects your download speed as well.
  1. Use your common sense:
If you understand the concept of how Bit Torrent works, then your common sense will automatically tell you that this is possible to view the individual files being downloaded and disable the ones that you are not in need off, which will  help you to speed up the process of downloading the files using Bit Torrent.
  1. Bandwidth and connections:
This is possible to set the maximum number of connections, maximum number of peers connected per torrent and number of slots per torrent so that you can decide on which numbers gives the maximum efficiency from your Bit Torrent files.

Thanx......for giving your time and patience for reading the post..........

30 August, 2011

Steps To Keep Your PC Safe Online

There are some simple steps you can take to ensure your PC remains protected while you surf the Web. Following each of these guides can help protect your PC from virus, spyware and other online threats.:-

1.Update Windows

Microsoft regularly releases free downloads to fix security problems with Windows, Internet Explorer and other Microsoft software such as Office. This guide explains how you can get these important updates.

What is Windows Update?

The Windows Update service provides a way of checking whether your Windows operating system needs any updates.
This can include security fixes, and software and hardware updates.
It is essential Windows is kept up-to-date to prevent malicious programs taking advantage of security flaws to harm your PC.
You can download and install updates by visiting the Microsoft web site, or set your PC to automatically download the files in the background while you work.
Note that 'updating' is not the same as 'upgrading'. To upgrade your version of Windows XP to Windows Vista, for example, you would need to buy a Windows Vista Upgrade package. Updating Windows only ensures that you have the latest files for your particular Windows version such as XP.

Downloading updates from the Windows Update web site

Some of the steps below may require you to restart your computer, so you may wish to print out a copy of these instructions before you begin. You should also save any work in other windows before continuing.
Note that you will need to use Internet Explorer to visit the Windows Update web site rather than other browsers such as Mozilla Firefox.
Go to When you arrive at the site, you may see a message that your browser is checking for the latest version of the Windows Update software. This is the software that determines if your system needs any updates at this time. If you see a Security Warning box appear asking if you wish to install and run Windows Update, click Yes.

You will be asked to choose between Express (essential updates) or Custom (optional updates for other programs). Most users should click the Express button.
The Windows Update software will now check which updates you already have and which you need.
If after the scan you see the message 'No high-priority updates for your computer are available' this means the most important updates including security fixes for Windows are already installed on your system and you can leave Windows Update for now.

Installing Updates

If you require any high-priority updates, the Windows Update program automatically selects all critical updates to be installed. Click Install Updates.
Your updates will now be downloaded and installed, note that this may take several minutes or longer depending on your Internet connection and how many updates you need to install.
Once this is complete, you will be asked if you want to restart your computer now. Make sure you have saved your work in any other windows you have open, then click Yes and your computer will restart.
You should check the Windows Update web site once a month for any new updates.

Automatic Updates

Another way to get Windows updates is to have the files downloaded automatically to your computer using Automatic Updates.
The advantage of this is you can let Windows download updates in the background while you work, so you do not need to worry about updating manually.
A disadvantage of Automatic Updates is that it may use up some of your Internet bandwidth to download updates, which might be a problem if you are in the process of downloading a large file or playing an online game at the time and need the best speed possible. You can avoid this problem by setting a particular time for updates to be downloaded.
To turn on Automatic Updates, click on your Start menu, go to Control Panel and double-click Automatic Updates. Here you can choose whether to get updates automatically, set which times to download updates, and if you want to be notified before updates are downloaded or installed.

LINKS:- Windows Update
2.Install ZoneAlarm Firewall

Installing a good Firewall such as ZoneAlarm is essential to protect your PC online and prevent programs from accessing the Internet without your permission.

What is ZoneAlarm?

When you connect to the Internet, your PC opens itself up to the outside world. This enables you to view web sites, send e-mails and download files, but it also means you may be vulnerable to attacks from hackers or malicious programs.
Firewall security programs like ZoneAlarm make your PC invisible to other computers unless you specifically agree to allow a connection to be made. If a program on your computer tries to access the Internet, then ZoneAlarm will automatically warn you and enable you to decide if you want to allow or refuse access.
There are several different versions of ZoneAlarm available. There is a free version which offers good protection, although it does not have some of the more advanced security features of the other ZoneAlarm commercial versions, such as anti-virus and tools to combat spyware and phishing.
Download ZoneAlarm by going to and click to download the free basic version of ZoneAlarm.
Save this setup file to your computer. Double-click the file to open it and begin the installation process.

Getting Started

The steps below will require you to restart your computer so you may wish to print out a copy of these instructions before you begin. You should also save any work in other windows before continuing.

Installing ZoneAlarm

On the Installation screen, click Next and then enter your name. Leave the e-mail address box empty and untick the boxes about registering and receiving updates. Click Next.
Tick the box to agree to the Licence Agreement and click Install. Wait while the files are installed, afterwards there will be some optional survey questions. Just click Finish to proceed. When asked, click Yes to start ZoneAlarm now.
The License Wizard window will now appear. Click to choose the Free ZoneAlarm and click Next then Finish.
The Configuration Wizard now appears. Click Next and ZoneAlarm will present you with the option of configuring your Internet access to allow your default web browser to surf the Web. Click Yes and then Next. Click Done to exit the Wizard.
ZoneAlarm will now tell you it needs to restart your computer. Click OK. After your PC has been restarted, a window will appear asking if you want to learn about other ZoneAlarm products. Click No, Thank You. If you want to you can now watch a video tutorial, or just click Finish.

You should see a red and yellow ZoneAlarm icon appear on your taskbar, which lets you know ZoneAlarm is up and running.
You should also see the main ZoneAlarm configuration window. Click the Alerts and Logs tab on the left menu and put Alert Events Shown to Off, so that you will only receive a notification if a program attempts to connect to the Internet.

Setting Up Program Permissions

You can change which programs are allowed to access the Internet in the ZoneAlarm configuration window. Click the Program Control tab on the left menu, then the Programs tab at the top-right to see a list of the programs on your computer and what access settings ZoneAlarm currently has for them. Click to change the permissions for each program to Allow, Block or Ask.
However, another much simpler way to set up ZoneAlarm's program permissions is to wait until a particular program tries to connect to the Internet, at which point ZoneAlarm will pop up a window like this one:

ZoneAlarm Alert
This ZoneAlarm Alert window tells you which program is trying to access the Internet. You can choose either Yes or No to allow or deny access for this program. Click Yes only if you recognise the program and are happy to allow it to access the Internet, for example Internet Explorer or Outlook Express.

If you are unsure whether to allow the program access, you may want to try typing the name of the application (in the image above, IEXPLORE.EXE) into a search engine to find out more about the program.
If you want your answer now to always apply to this program, tick the box marked Remember this answer the next time I use this program. Otherwise if you don't tick this box, the next time the program tries to use the Internet you will receive another pop up alert like this one.
Sometimes if you deny access for a particular program, you may find that certain other applications don't work properly. For example, if you stop a game from connecting to the Internet you won't be able to play online until you give it permission to connect in ZoneAlarm.

More Features

If you think you are being attacked by a hacker, you can stop all Internet access from your PC by right-clicking the taskbar icon and choosing Stop all internet activity, or alternatively by clicking on the STOP button on the main window. When you want to allow access, just click the button again.
You don't have to have ZoneAlarm's main window up all the time. Click the Close (X) button in the top right of the window and on the Shutdown pop-up window tick Don't show this message again then click OK. ZoneAlarm will now minimise to the taskbar.
This does not stop ZoneAlarm running, it simply hides the main window away from the desktop. If you want to see the main window again, right-click the taskbar icon and click Restore ZoneAlarm Control Center.
To close ZoneAlarm altogether and stop it running, you will need to right-click the taskbar icon and select Shutdown ZoneAlarm, then Yes.
By default, ZoneAlarm will automatically appear every time you start your PC and will also check the Internet for new updates from time to time.

3.Check For Viruses

Malicious virus code can infect your files and cause you to lose important data. This guide explains how to install an anti-virus program to protect your PC.

What Are Viruses?

Computer viruses are malicious programs designed to cause annoyance and even damage to computer data. They spread by infecting files and by automatically sending e-mails to everyone in your address book.
There are new virus threats everyday. It is essential to take steps to protect your PC.

What Can I Do About Them?

If you suspect you have a virus on your computer, or if you just want to keep your computer safe from the threat of viruses, there are several virus-detection programs which will scan your system and let you know if any malicious programs have been found.
There are many commercial and free anti-virus programs available on the Web, all with different features and levels of security. This tutorial uses AVG Anti-Virus.

Download AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition

AVG Anti-Virus can be downloaded from
Scroll down the page and click Download Free Version. Under the Windows section, click to download the file under AVG Free for Windows installation files. Click OK to save the file to your PC.

Install And Run AVG Anti-Virus

Double-click the file you downloaded, and click Next on the welcome screen. Click Accept to agree to the License Agreement. Choose Standard Installation then click Next.
The Confirmation screen will now appear with your User Name and License Number. Click Next to proceed. Click Finish to begin installation.
After installation is complete, click OK. The main AVG Control Center will now start. On the First Run screen that pops up, click Next. Click Check For Updates and then Internet which will download any necessary files to bring your AVG up to the latest version.
A window will now pop-up if there are any available updates. Click Update to download them. AVG will download and automatically install any updates. Click OK when finished.
Back on the First Run window, click Next to proceed. Leave the Daily Scanning settings as they are and click Next.

You now have the option to perform a scan to test your computer for viruses. Click Scan computer! or just click Next if you want to proceed with setting up AVG.
If you wish, you can now register your copy of AVG to receive news and product information. Otherwise, click Next and then Continue.

AVG Test Center

You can now see the AVG Test Center window.
AVG Test Center
Here you can see your Security Status, and choose to perform scans on your whole computer or selected areas only.
When you run a complete scan, it may take a while depending on the size of your hard drive. It will scan your system for any viruses and if it finds any, it will pop up a window to inform you what action it has taken.
If possible the program will try to 'heal' any infected files, or if it is unable to clean these files it may move them to its Virus Vault, where the infected files are kept in a state where they will not be able to harm your computer, but can be retrieved later if necessary.
The AVG Anti-Virus program contains several tools which continuously monitor your system, but it is recommended that you run a complete scan of your computer regularly, at least once a month to check your computer for any infected files.
If you do not want to run a scan now, just click the Close (X) button at the top-right of the AVG window. This does not in fact stop the AVG program running, it just closes the windows so you can get on with using your PC.

Using The AVG Icon

You can tell if AVG is running as a small coloured icon will be displayed on your taskbar.
If you right-click the AVG taskbar icon you can restore the Control Center and Test Center windows. You can also perform a manual Check For Updates from this menu.
AVG will quietly monitor your PC and check for viruses while you continue using your PC. It will start automatically when you first turn on your PC and check for any updates when you connect to the Internet.
If you need to stop AVG running for any reason, right-click the taskbar icon and choose Quit AVG Control Center.
To start AVG, click the Start menu then All Programs. Click AVG Free Edition and choose AVG Control Center.


4.Remove Spyware

Spyware tracks your movements on the Web and can affect your PC's performance. This guide explains how to protect your PC and remove spyware.

What Is Spyware?

Spyware is malicious code that infects your PC and can manifest itself as things such as unwanted browser toolbars and pop-ups, or if your browser homepage suddenly changes without your knowledge.
Spyware also takes the form of tracking files that watch where you go on the web in order to create a marketing profile of you that will be sold to advertisement companies. Not only is it a source of irritation but it also affects your privacy too.
Removing spyware is an important step in the process of cleaning unwanted files and programs from your PC, keeping it secure and fixing problems.
Fortunately there are programs available to help you track down and remove these unwanted files. There are several commercial security packages that offer anti-spyware tools as well as other features.
Ad-Aware and Spybot are two free programs you can use to fight spyware.

Installing Ad-Aware

Download Ad-Aware 2007 Free from
Click on the link to Download Ad-Aware 2007 Free.
You may be taken to another web site (such as where you can download the Ad-Aware installation file. Click Download Now and save the file to your computer.
Double-click the setup file you downloaded and the installation process will begin. Click Next to progress through the various windows. Tick the box to accept the license agreement.
You can leave the Full Name and Organization boxes blank if you wish. Choose Standard Installation and leave the Destination Folder as it is.
Wait while the program files are installed then click Finish. Ad-Aware will start automatically and perform a check to make sure it has the latest file updates.

Using Ad-Aware

You can start Ad-Aware in future by double-clicking the shortcut to Ad-Aware 2007 on your Desktop, alternatively you can find the program listed in your Start menu > Programs list under Lavasoft.
Now you can see the main Ad-Aware Status window. From here, you can click Update when you want to check for new updates to Ad-Aware, or click Scan Now to begin checking for spyware.
You can choose to perform a Smart Scan which checks critical system files only, a Full Scan to check all files on your computer, or click Custom Scan to specify where you want to search for malicious programs. Click Scan to start checking.
A full system scan may take a while and you should not perform any other tasks on your PC until it is finished. When the scan is finished, the summary will tell you how many threats were identified.
You can click to expand any objects found to get more information. The Threat Analysis Index (TAI) level indicates how dangerous an object is and whether it needs to be removed.
Check the box by an object and then choose to Ignore (leave alone), Quarantine (hide away so it cannot be run but still exists if you need to retrieve it) or Remove (delete the infected file).

Usually these files can be removed without causing problems, but some files may be part of programs you have installed, and there is a possibility that these programs may not function correctly if you remove the files. You can choose to set a System Restore Point before removing a file in case you encounter problems.
That is all you need to do to perform a straightforward check to remove spyware from your system with Ad-Aware, but the program does have many other features too. Click the Help button if you want to find out more.

Installing Spybot

Download Spybot Search & Destroy for free from
Click the Download link on the menu, scroll down to the Download section and click on Spybot - Search & Destroy. Choose one of the mirror web sites that contain the installation file by clicking Download here to go to that site.
On the file mirror web site, download the Spybot file and save to your hard disk.
Double-click the file you downloaded and the installation process will begin. Choose your language and click Next or OK to progress through the windows. Tick to accept the license agreement. You can leave the Destination Folder as shown.
Choose Custom installation and leave only the Main Files option ticked. When asked about selecting a Start Menu folder, just click Next.
You will see a window about selecting Additional Tasks for the installer to perform. Click Next then Install.
After the program files are installed, un-tick the option to Run SpybotSD.exe and click Finish.

Using Spybot

There should be a shortcut to Spybot on your Desktop, alternatively you can find the program listed in your Start menu > All Programs list under Spybot - Search and Destroy.
Start the program, and you may see a notice about advertisement robots. Tick Don't show this message again and click OK.
You will now see a Wizard window appear. Just click Next to go through these Wizard screens and then click Start Using The Program.
On the main Spybot window click the Search for Updates button. You should see a list of available updates, right-click any of the boxes and click Select all then click on the Download Updates option at the top of the screen. Spybot will now download and install the latest updates to its files.
Now click Check for problems. Spybot will begin scanning your PC for known spyware files.
Once the scan is complete you will see a list of any detected problems. Select or deselect particular objects by ticking or un-ticking their boxes. You can also expand the entries to see more details.
If you use Firewall and Anti-virus programs such as ZoneAlarm and AVG rather than those built-in to Windows, you may see warnings that the Windows Firewall and AntiVirus are disabled. Just un-tick these entries.
Click Fix Selected Problems, then click Yes to confirm removal. Click OK when the problems have been fixed.
Spybot also has a Recovery option to undo any changes if you find problems with other programs after removing certain spyware files.

How Often Should Scans Be Run

Because there are so many new spyware threats appearing all the time, you should try to run Ad-Aware and Spybot scans regularly, at least once a month.
Remember to check for updates to the programs before you run a scan. This insures the programs are aware of the latest threats and will be able to detect and remove them.


Thanx........for giving your patience to read this article..............if u have any querries, then comment. 

24 August, 2011

Transform Windows XP into Linux Ubuntu

Transform Windows XP into Ubuntu. There is no single installer for this one. But yet these tools in combination can give Windows XP, look of Ubuntu. The good thing about having a package with all these elements, categorized in several different folders, is that you can choose what to install and what to leave unchanged. The downside is that you have to do it step by step. But thats what we call geeky, eh! You can install and uninstall these as you wish to. These will not disturb your Windows XP files, programs and settings but just transform the look and feel of your Windows XP into beautiful Linux Ubuntu version.

ubuntu-docs-2, XP into Ubuntu
ubuntu-3d-desktop-3, XP into Ubuntu

Transform Windows XP into Linux with UbuntuXP

UbuntuXP is the Ubuntu’s look for your Windows XP. The package comes with some installers to change different visual aspects of Windows XP into Linux Ubuntu.
xp-to-ubuntu, XP into Ubuntu

How to Install – XP into Ubuntu

  • Unpack the rar file
  • Install “uxtheme patcher” from folder called “APPS”
  • Restart your system
  • Look for “Visual Styles folder” and use “Clearlooks” to change theme of Windows XP
  • Look for “Icons Folder” and use “Super_Turbo_Tango_Patcher_August_2006″
  • In “Apps” folder you can find a folder called FindeXer Nightly V1.1.0.3.
  • Cut this folder and put it in C:
  • if you wish or any place you want, after that in the folder findexer you can find a “readme” file, read it please its very important.
  • Use the icons on “Ubuntu PNG” folder to change the icons, see the screenshot in the folder.
  • If you want to change the picture of the Classic Start menu on Windows XP, you must use “reshack and replacer”.

Download Windows XP to Ubuntu Transformation Pack

UbuntuXP – Download Link 1
UbuntuXP – Download Link 2
UbuntuXP – Download Link 3

Transform Windows XP into Linux with Ultimate Transformation

There is another package which comes with some of installers including clearlooks, human(Ubuntu), Plastic(KDE), Icons pakage, Tango_Patcher and cursor package for Windows XP to turn it into Ubuntu.,

Download Windows XP to Ubuntu Ultimate Transformation Pack

Ultimate Transformation Download Link 1
Ultimate Transformation Download Link 2

Customize Windows XP to Ubuntu Visual Style Yourself

Here are some more links to give your Windows XP a visual style of Ubuntu. Skins, patches and more…
By installing them you can make your Windows XP look like Ubuntu Linux. Just like Ubuntu itself, all programs are freeware.
Note: Before proceeding to these files make sure you click there at the download button. Do not be confused there by staring at the images. You will see each application’s screen shot there. At the left side of screen there is download link to download not that image, but the required installer which will tweak your XP.
What you will get from these link? Have a sneak peak preview.
Visual Style, 2nd, 3rd
Styler Toolbar
Ubuntu Cursor
Ubuntu Bootskin
Ubuntu Logon Screen, 2nd, 3rd
Ubuntu Firefox Human theme
Thunderbird Tango theme
Tango Icons for Thunderbird
Ubuntu skin for WinRAR
Ubuntu Tango eMule Skin
Tango Patcher
Download Ubuntu XP Window Previews
Download Ubuntu 3D Desktop for XP
Okay, now you can download all these above mentioned files and some more ;) directly from here.

Download Linux Ubuntu High Resolution Wallpapers for Desktop Background

Click the image for full resolution wallpaper download.
Okay, buddy, these are not much for now. In my coming posts, I gonna post huge collection of Ubuntu Desktop wallpapers for your ubuntu desktop, XP or whatever…
Meanwhile you can check Awesome 40 High Resolution Wallpapers of MAC, if you do not mind MAC wallpaper at your Windows XP.

Do you want to say anything about it? Having problems? Ask me.
1- In case of themes installation and specific types of files (.dll, .theme, .msstyle etc) which are not installers, you need to find a place C:WINDOWSResourcesThemes to copy those files there.
2- In case you are using SP1, SP2, SP3 with XP or SP1 or later with Vista, You first need to allow third party themes support before transforming OS. You will need some kind of UXTheme patcher.
3- Transformations are for advanced users, who can bear experimentation with OS.

14 August, 2011

How to Find and Download Missing Driver Without any Software

Experience of Windows 7 has been wonderful. Windows 7 has got a huge drivers database and you do not need to search and install board drivers for graphics, sound, memory cards and more. If you are using Windows XP or Windows Vista and you just installed fresh copy of it then finding drivers and installing them might feel you a pain. The main problem which average user experiences is they do not know the model of device they have in their computer. So they do not know which driver software will fit their need. We have an easy solution for that. You can easily find all the information you need to find the right driver without any software help or dissecting your PC.

Device Manager of PC has got a solution for you. If you Google the right information, you will find the driver right a single click away. All you need is right information for that device.
Right click at My Computer
Click Properties -> Hardware -> Device manager
See which device has a question sign there
Question sign shows that the driver for that device is not installed.
Right click that device -> Properties -> Details
In details tab there will be ‘Device Instance Id
Below that selection there will be another portion containing the right driver info.
It will be something like;

In the above line ‘VEN’ stands for vender.
Just copy that whole line and Google it.
You will find the right driver to download for that device.

Enjoy Downloading............

10 August, 2011

Find Cheats for Any Game – Download CheatBook DataBase 2011

CheatBook DataBase 2011 a free database of game cheats including 20000 game cheats. It include cheats, walkthroughs, Hints, Tips for PC, Playstation, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Sega, Nintendo 64, Nintendo DS, DVD, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, XBox, XBox 360, iPhone, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Super Nintendo, Wii, Sony PSP.
 The database is also updated with issues so that you can get cheats and walkthroughs for the latest games. Many times it is hard to pass through a particular part of a game then you need walkthrough or God Mode or a few extra weapons. The new cheatbook databse 2001 includes the 20642 total cheats.
Dreamcast 222, DVD 964, Gameboy Advance 579, Gameboy Color 349, Gamecube 428, iPhone 104, N-Gage 23, Nitendo DS 468, Nintendo 64 234, Playstation 854, Playstation 2 787, Playstation 3 566, Sega 206, sony PSP 213, Super Nintendo 238, Wii 535, Xbox 889, Xbox 360 892.
The database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. The games are listed alphabetically in the left-hand window. One clicking a name the relevant cheat is displayed in a editor window, the editor gives you the option to print any section and edit the cheat. It will also save your modification. You can also send the modification to cheat book web site through the same editor GUI. The editor gives you the option to write Notes, add files to base, Screenshots and links. You can also manage your own base for cheats. It also features a built in hex editor for apply cheat to some particular games that require hex editing of a file.
To search the cheat of game, enter its name in the search field and press enter. You will see all the related names. You can add a cheat to your favorite ones. You can save the cheat as text file. You can delete a cheat if you like to delete it.
The search engine option is also a best option for searching within the cheats or titles.

Download Cheatbook Database 2011
CheatBook-DataBase 2011 is Freeware for Win95/ 98/ 2000/ NT/ XP/ Vista / Windows 7.

 Thnx.......and Enjoy Downloading...

Angry Birds Download

 First lets see, “What is angry birds”? Well, its a game that is available for smart phones, handheld devices such as iPhone, iPad, iPod and android based portable smart devices. Angry birds is also available for PC. You can play angry birds on pc. You can play angry birds online and you can enjoy it on your smart phones. Its one of the most anticipated games ever. Angry birds has got three major versions so far. ‘Angry Birds’, ‘Angry Birds Rio’ and ‘Angry Birds Seasons’. I have collected all possible locations of Angry Birds to download from, for PC and mobile phones.

Angry Birds for iPhone, iPad and iPod

Angry Birds
Angry Birds Lite
Angry Birds Rio
Angry Birds Rio Free
Angry Birds Seasons for iPhone

Angry Birds for Nokia

Angry Birds Free for N9
Download level packs for Angry Birds on Nokia from here.

Angry Birds for Android

Angry Birds Rio for Android
Angry Birds for Android
Angry Birds Seasons for Android
Angry Birds Lite Beta for Android
Angry Birds Rio Scoop for Android
Angry Birds Walkthrough Portal for Android
Angry Birds Live Wallpaper for Android
Angry Birds Backup Free for Android
Save The Bird for Android
Angry Birds Seasons Scoop for Android
Also see Angry Frogs for Android

Angry Birds for PC

Angry Birds for PC has been available for quite sometime. Angry Birds can be downloaded as a demo from official website and it can be purchased in $4.95. It has also been leaked online at many file sharing websites and blogs.
Angry Birds for PC
Angry Birds Rio for PC
Angry Birds Seasons for PC
Angry Birds for PC at IntelAppUp
Angry Birds for HP WebOS
Angry Birds at Chrome Store
Angry Birds Walkthrough Videos downloading.......

31 July, 2011

Freemake Video Converter and Video Downloader Free Download

Download videos and convert videos in AVI, FLV, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MPG, SWF, MP3, DVD, MKV and many other video audio formats, absolutely free. This is a bundle of two software which impressed me a lot. After much time we saw such an amazing freeware which is all in one video converter and video downloader. Both software are user friendly and easy to use. The interface is amazing. Great software. Must have. Download Freemake Video Converter and Freemake Video Downloader.

Free Make Video Downloader

Download video free from YouTube, Facebook, MTV, Vevo, TubePlus, Metacafe, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Megavideo, ComedyCentral, Break, 50+ sites with Free Video Downloader. Video Downloader from Freemake is absolutely free, designed without any time limitations or any hidden costs. Extract original audio fromYouTube videos. Download videos from FaceBook, Google videosmega video, the daily show, daily motion, my video, comedy central, youtube, mtv, metacafe, stupid videos, veoh, vimeo and more. Enable automatic video download mode.

Set batch parameters for quality, action (download/ extract/ convert), destination and YouTube downloader will download video in accordance with your saved settings. Video downloader converts video during download process. Convert video directly to AVI, MKV, 3GP, MP3, iPod, iPhone, iPad, PSP, Android. Use ready-made intuitive profiles for portable devices.

video downloader

Download YouTube video in 4K 4096p, HD 1080p, HD 720p, 480p, 360p, 240p. Freemake Video Downloader lets you set the quality for downloadable video. Download YouTube RTMP, YouTube private & YouTube videos embedded into sites. All RTMP streams are supported.

Freemake Video Converter
Convert video free to AVI, MP4, WMV, MKV, SWF, FLV, 3GP, MPEG, DVD, Blu-ray, MP3, iPod, iPhone, iPad, PSP, PS3, Android, YouTube, and more with Free Video Converter. Input any video files: AVI, MP4, MKV, WMV, MPG, 3GP, 3G2, SWF, FLV, TOD, AVCHD, MOV, DV, RM, QT, TS, MTS, etc. Import music (MP3, AAC, WMA, WAV), and photos (JPG, BMP, PNG,GIF) to turn them into video free and easily! Convert Online Videos Directly from 50+ Sites. Convert video free to the most popular video formats. Rip DVD movie (unprotected) to AVI, WMV, MP4, MPEG, MKV, FLV, SWF, 3GP.
video converter
Convert video to Flash and embed it directly to your web page. Convert video and audio files to MP3 with free video converter. Convert Free to iPod, iPhone, iPad, PSP, PS3, Android. Freemake is the only free video converter that features integrated both CUDA and DXVA technologies for the fastest ever video conversion and less CPU usage. The software automatically detects the optimal conversion parameters and switches on/off CUDA and DXVA for better conversion results.

Convert your movies to video Blu-ray format and burn high-quality BDs for free. Create Blu-ray discs out of any input content: video, audio, photos, URLs. Burn multiple Blu-ray copies and save the resulted Blu-ray video to HDD as an ISO image or Blu-ray folder.
Unlike other software, free video converter doesn’t have a two-hour limit and can burn video DVD up to 20h to a Standard DVD or 40h to DVD-DL. With free video converter, you can make multiple DVD copies and save the output DVD video to your PC as an ISO image or DVD folder.
Convert DVD, MKV, MOV with embedded subtitles to any video format or device for free. Add SSA/SRT/ASS external subtitles to any video with our free video converter.
Take total control of the output result by customizing conversion parameters. Create your own presets by establishing video and audio codecs, frame size, etc. Choose an icon, and save you custom preset for further usage with our free video converter.
You can even make cool slideshows and presentations using it. Cut, Join, Rotate, Limit size, Adjust to aspect ratio and more. Cut video parts from your file. Flip or rotate video. Join several videos into one file, add transitions between parts. Fit the output file size to any limit (e.g. 700 Mb, 1.4 Gb, 4.7 Gb). Adjust outputvideo to the established aspect ratio: add black bars, stretch, zoom, auto-adjust.

Download Video Downloader and Video Converter
Video Downloader
Video Converter

Thanx and Enjoy...

Better Safe than Sorry – How to Be Secure on The Web

Unfortunately, technological advancement has brought with it increased security issues. An alarming amount of identity theft is being conducted globally, resulting in sensitive data being stolen and even financial accounts being accessed. The ingenuity of cyber criminals and hackers seems to keep pace with the evolving security measures implemented by organizations and built into computers, laptops and phones. Here are a few ways to safeguard your privacy.

Choosing Passwords

Our PCs, laptops and phones all require passwords to be entered, as do many of the websites we visit each day, including our social media profiles. Naturally, many find the sheer number of passwords that need to be remembered a challenge, but it is essential that you create a different and difficult password for each site you use. A cyber criminal gaining access to one of your accounts will easily access your other sites if you use the same password. Don’t present them with the opportunity, create and memorize different passwords for different accounts.

Sharing Personal Information

It is extremely important to reduce the amount of personal information you provide on websites, but particularly on social media networking sites, which are scanned by some hackers for clues to passwords or for enough personal data, such as job details, date of birth, family members and personal history, to create a credible fake version of you and steal your identity. Criminals are very cunning, providing a large amount of your personal data simply opens the door to them. When using internet banking sites and social media sign in pages it is crucial that you check the page is legitimate, as many cyber criminals are fabricating authentic looking sign in pages to steal passwords. If unsure, close it down.

Be Careful in Choosing Websites

The dangers of identity theft can be reduced by only visiting sites you know to be reputable. Many anti-virus packages scan the site beforehand and give a security rating by the side of the site before it is entered. There really is no substitute for high quality anti-virus software, so make sure you purchase it and install it on all your devices. Never give any kind of personal details to a site you don’t trust. Likewise, if you must purchase goods online, always ensure the website has adequate encryption enabled. Your web browser should inform you that the website is using secure SSL encryption to protect your personal data, look for the green padlock icon. PayPal is also an excellent way to make payments, as your credit card details are not shared with the other party.

Extra Web Security – Secure Connection – HTTPS

It is also possible to encrypt your Facebook sessions. Firstly, encrypt your login by setting your Facebook bookmark to, this will ensure your username and password will always be encrypted. To encrypt your Facebook sessions, simply go to the “Account” menu, select “Account Settings” and scroll down to “Account Security” before clicking on “Change”. Now simply check the box that reads “Browse Facebook on a secure connection (https) whenever possible”. It pays to be as secure as possible, even when social networking.

Security Over Mobile Phone

Mobile phone technology has advanced to the point where we now use them to browse the internet, send emails and organize our daily schedules. This means that a huge amount of personal data is held on our tiny handsets. Again, make a unique and difficult password for your phone and download available anti-virus software immediately. Any text or file sent to you by an unknown sender should be rejected without opening and Bluetooth should also be disabled when not being used as this can be used by hackers to access your personal information.
Follow above mentioned simple guidelines to safeguard your privacy and stay secure.
Author: This article was provided on behalf of Broadband Choices; your first stop for broadband comparison.

Thanx and Enjoy..............

28 July, 2011

Top 5 Best Browsers Which Never Crash

Now a days people are facing lot of problems with there browsers, as they often crash while working on something important. No matter how lite the browser may be, people still find difficulties in using them with peace. I am not a rebel of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, i still support them a lot. But some things must be changed accordingly, when we are progressing in technology and life. The reason to write this post is, many people have complained me that there browser will often crash when they open some thing flashy or while using more number of tabs and applications.They always ask me which is the best browser which never crashes when they are on serious work. So i have decided to make a list of browsers which never crashes so often. This list is my own custom made report, i have tested each and every browser very carefully and noted there working capability by putting a lot of stress on each of the individual browser while working and to my surprise the results were quite amazing and now i will present the top 5 browsers whom you can trust to work for hours without any problems.

First let me make clear that this is my own custom report, This was tested was conducted on the basis of a common user who spends 18hrs a day in browsing like me.So the list goes like this..

Browser’s Which Never Crash Often : 

1) Opera 11 : The new Opera 11 is really awesome and lightning fast as they say.You can feel the browser very lite and very fast if you have already used it. The browser works really fast and i have opened approximately 50 to 60 tabs at a time and believe me it never crashed even once from a week. I tried to put as much pressure as i can to the browser. But Opera 11 has really was designed so strong that i can assure you that Opera 11 will never crash when you browse for long hours. If you want to download this beauty. Click the below image, so that you can get a direct download link. Size : 7.12mb

2) Maxthon 3.0 : This is a wonderful browser which never crashed even a single time when i was browsing. Though this browser is not that flexible and light as Google chrome, but the work and interface of this browser is pretty awesome. The best part of this browser is that it has a two modes of browsing , one is the Ultra mode and other is Retro mode. Size : 17.27mb

3) Safari 5.0.3 :  I agree that apple safari is not that lite as the other browsers are, but as per my testing and report this browser never crashes when we open large number of tabs and high graphic pages which load slow. I have used this browser for 1 whole week to test how strong it is, and now its in top 3 place of my list. If you have a good performance system and a good connection, i prefer going with safari as the browser will make a rich and new experience when we browse. Size : 34.63mb
4) Internet Explorer 8 : Internet Explorer which is the most trusted browser of all over the globe is very impressive with its functionality and resistance. The browser will not crash very often and its really secured browser where you can do your work without any problems. The new IE 9 is also extremely impressive and easy to use. As per some surveys 40% of people trust IE 8 as there main browser and i certainly go with them. Size : 16.1 mb
5) Mozilla Firefox : I know people love Mozilla Firefox. Basically i love Firefox browser a lot. But while coming to the testing part as i said earlier, Mozilla couldn’t be able to take more than 30 tabs at a time and suddenly it began to take all of the system resources in CPU usage and was crashing horribly. Inspite of regular updates from Mozilla Firefox i still believe they have to work hard on the new Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta. I personally don’t prefer a Beta version to work. I cant take my browser crashing all times when i am working seriously. Size :8.18 mb
You may be surprised that why your favorite browser’s are not in the list. The main reason for that it really doesn’t matter how fast the browser is, The only thing which people want is a safe and a crash proof system in the browser which allow them to work happily. The post may not be scientifically very correct and strong, but this post was written after testing each and every browser for one complete week and also asking various people that which is the best browser which they feel that it will not crash when we are busy using various tabs.

Thanx.........and Enjoy