
27 September, 2011

Download Microsoft Windows 8

t is always fun to have the latest OS in PC. The joy of showing off new windows 8 in your computer to your friends when they are still using Windows 7, is tremendous. The developer preview version of the Windows 8 is now available for download. You can install Windows 8 on x86-based 32-bit or a 64-bit computer. Windows 8 activation is not required, but it’s not the finalized version of the Windows 8 OS, so expect bugs. Download Microsoft Windows 8 for free.

Download Windows 8

Download Windows 8 Beta
This page will take you to the Windows Developer Preview downloads which is pre-beta version of Windows 8 for developers. Windows 8 downloads include prerelease software that may change without notice. Microsoft says that Windows 8 beta developer build is provided as is, and you bear the risk of using it. It may not be stable, operate correctly or work the way the final version of the software will. It should not be used in a production environment. The features and functionality in the prerelease software may not appear in the final version.
To learn more about new features of Windows 8 for developers, consumers and businesses download these guides.
Download Windows Developer Preview Guide: Download PDF, Download XPS

09 September, 2011

5 Great Javascript Tricks

First of all question arises what is Javascript? According to wikipedia :
JavaScript, also known as ECMAScript is a prototype-based object-oriented scripting language that is dynamic, weakly typed and has first-class functions. It is also considered a functional programming language like Scheme and OCaml because it has closures and supports higher-order functions. JavaScript is an implementation of the ECMAScript language standard and is primarily used in the form of client-side JavaScript, implemented as part of a web browser in order to provide enhanced user interfaces and dynamic websites. This enables programmatic access to computational objects within a host environment.

1. Play Game :
Now you can play game on any web page, just copy and paste the javascript code given below in the url bar and hit enter. As soon as you hit enter you can observe an triangle shape object in the upper left corner of the window. Navigate it with the help of W, A and D keys and fire using Spacebar.

2. Edit Web Page :
You easily edit any web page using this javascript. But when you refresh the page changes are lost.
javascript: document.body.contentEditable = 'true'; 
document.designMode = 'on'; void 0 

3. Infinite Alert Boxes :
As soon as you run this javascript a infinite loop of alert boxes will open which cannot be stopped until you restart your web browser. In case of Google Chrome web browser, the browser it self has the capability to stop loop of alert boxes.
javascript:while(1){alert('Restart your brower to close this box!')}

4. Calculator :
You can also use javascript for calculation purposes. Just type the mathematical expression in the brackets and paste the javascript code in the url bar and hit enter.
javascript: alert(4+5+6+7+(3*10));

Thanx..........and Enjoy............

How to Set Auto Reply Status on Google talk or Gtalk

Many Times it happens that you are busy with some work or is not sitting in front of your computer but your google talk or gtalk is open. Gtalk autoreply is a small tool which is quite useful in such scenario. It can be used to set auto reply on your gtalk or google talk. When you set auto reply using Gtalk Autoreply and anyone pings you the tool will send him the auto reply message. It does not voluntarily send this message to every friend but just replies to those who ping you.

 You just need to download the software and install it. Then run the utility from the desktop icon and then enter your gtalk account username and password and fill the message you want to be send to your friends when they ping you. Now click save and enable autoreply and it will get enabled.

Now after activating it, if any of your friend ping you he will receive the auto reply message. In order to close the auto reply feature you simple need to close the application. You can download the Gtalk Autoreply tool from Link1. You can also download its source code from here.

  Thanx..................................for giving your time and patience for reading this post..

How to Deal with Laptop Over Heating

A laptop is an extensive investment that requires a great care from your side so that it keeps on running for years. Many laptops (almost 90%) face the problem of overheating. This overheating can cause the laptop to show abnormal behaviour thereby causing the internal machinery to fail. Today we will be discussing the techniques and methods that are available today so that your laptop runs smoothly for many years to come.

1. Compressed Air: While working with laptop in dusty condition then there are chances that the dust gets deposited on the circulating and cooling vents thereby choking them altogether. This can cause the fan to get over worked as the head will not be dissipated as efficiently. Thus the fan will work at dangerously high temperatures. So in order to avoid this situation buy a can of compressed air from a nearby computer store and it will cost you only some dollars. Take this can and spray it on the vents of your laptop. This will remove all the dust and keep your laptop cool.
2. Power Settings: When we work on the laptop that is on the charging then we set the mode as “High Performance”. This setting will consume the most power and will cause your laptop to overheat. A simple remedy to this problem is to set the laptop in the balanced or power saver mode. This will ensure that your laptop consumes only that amount of power that is required by it. Thus a large amount of heat is saved from generating by avoiding the large speeds of the processor. When the laptop is used for playing games then you should set the mode of your laptop to “High Performance”.
3. Surface: While we are working the laptop then it can be quite comfortable when we place it on the pillow or blanket. But the fact is these surfaces choke the vents of your laptop thereby causing it to overheat. The soft nature of the surface will not allow the heat to escape and thus will be reflected back into the internal machinery. The best surface on which you should keep your laptop is the flat one such as a table. If you want to keep it on some soft surface then you should keep it on some hard cover book or similar surface. This will allow proper flow of air and heat to escape out of the system properly.
4. Powering Off Your Laptop: When you see that you might not be working on your laptop then you must switch it off rather than keeping it on the standby. We would not suggest you “hibernate” option as it will take a toll on your RAM. Powering off your laptop will keep it cool and doesn’t eat away the battery. It is as simple as that.
5. Cooling Pad: You can invest some money on your laptop then you can consider using a cooling pad for your laptop. For about $25 you can get a cooling pad for your laptop and believe me it is every worth of the penny you spend on it.

Thnx...........for reading this post........for any queries comment!!

7 ways to increase Torrent Speed

The use of Bit Torrent is an efficient way to transfer files of just about any size quickly and efficiently. How this works is by breaking the huge files into smaller pieces and is from one or many of the different sources. This is one of the best ways to transfer bulky files quickly even when you are using a low bandwidth connection. There are many more things that you can do with Bit Torrent, but here we are going to discuss how to make this work much faster.

Here are some essential tips for the same,
  1. Start with your ISP:
All ISP has a preset maximum upload and download speed, and you cannot make your torrent work beyond this speed. All you can do is to use the best use of this upload and download speed even when the signal is weak. You can check the maximum speed that you can achieve by conducting a broadband speed test and compare with the DSLReports that comes with your uTorrent.
  1. Opt-In for healthy seeds and peers:
A peer is any computer participating           in downloading and uploading of torrent files along with that of yours. A seeder is one who has a complete copy of the file that is being shared across a torrent network. A leecher is the person who has joined the network recently and do not have most of the file that you or the peer has. This leecher becomes the seeder when they download the entire file and is able to share it across the network.  For getting high torrent speed, you need to increase the number of seeders to increase the chance of healthier and reception of higher speeds.
  1. Get through the firewall:
Many times, you will find the administrator or the firewall in your web browser is set to block and receive torrent files. The first thing that you need to do is to get appropriate permissions for downloading torrent files, and add this to your firewall, which will enhance the speed at which you can download torrent files. If the internet is through a router, then you have to set the torrent file to cross the barrier of the security of the router also.
  1. Go to a different port:
The default port for BitTorrent protocol is always between the numbers 6881-6999. This is because BitTorrent sharing will involve high bandwidth usage. However, this is possible that you can configure a different port for your torrent client and this has been best advised to set this number to somewhere around 10000.
  1. Limit your upload rate:
A peer to peer network is sharing alike on the same or similar platform and therefore you should be able to set your client’s upload speed rate to a maximum amount, which will usually be about 80 percent of your maximum upload speed that is being offered by your ISP. Keep this speed, as high as possible, but you have to play your cards well as the upload speed affects your download speed as well.
  1. Use your common sense:
If you understand the concept of how Bit Torrent works, then your common sense will automatically tell you that this is possible to view the individual files being downloaded and disable the ones that you are not in need off, which will  help you to speed up the process of downloading the files using Bit Torrent.
  1. Bandwidth and connections:
This is possible to set the maximum number of connections, maximum number of peers connected per torrent and number of slots per torrent so that you can decide on which numbers gives the maximum efficiency from your Bit Torrent files.

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