
11 January, 2012

4 Implications of Not Updating to Windows 8

News of Windows 8 being available for release in the near future is probably causing some amount of concern with many computer users, especially those who are not very literate. There are still many Windows users who are using Windows XP. Windows 8 is predicted to be released sometime next year. There will be those who want to download it immediately and those who will do their best to avoid it. So the question has to be asked, what will happen if you don’t download it and upgrade your operating system?
  • Initially, Not Much. Just as there are people who are still using Windows XP, those people who did not upgrade to Vista or Windows 7, there will be little that happens if you don’t upgrade immediately to Windows 8. That does not mean there will be subtle differences and problems that start to appear.
  • Applications. Just as important as the operating system of your computer, software applications provide a great amount of importance to everything you do. A newer operating system means all the applications for that operating system will also update soon after the OS release. The newer application software will include greater features than the previous ones. A perfect example is of a chat program that now includes video chat functions. Those updates normally come about as a result of the ability to provide those services. That ability comes from the operating system. If you can’t update your application because your older system does not allow it, you cannot communicate and share information with others who have. This is where the slow important changes of an operating system start to be present. Slowly, application by application, feature by feature, we fall behind everyone else.
  • Support. The companies that produce applications, the people who specialise in providing information on applications and operating systems gradually focus on newer products. This means when we meet problems with our older software, it becomes harder to find the solutions. This does not mean that information is not out there, it means the total amount of information is always increasing, and therefore, the older information on outdated products loses relative importance. It becomes harder to find, and it becomes less relevant to the whole market. This means we find ourselves in a situation where we can get less and less support.
  • Dysfunctional. Ultimately, we will fall far enough behind where anything we want to do does not work. This is only a matter of time. Generally speaking, the better the improvements in the operating system, the faster and more radically they will be adopted by manufacturers, developers and other consumers. This will probably be the case with the Windows 8 download.
Microsoft has not brought about any changes with its Windows operating system, since it was launched as Windows 95, with the scale of change that is a part of the Windows 8 improvements and update. Simply put, it will be a necessity to change and update with it, as soon as possible for just about every normal user.

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